Live Shows​

Celebrating over 20 years in live entertainment, this collection showcases some of the memorable shows that have shaped my journey as a performer..

Oh, for show

With immense gratitude, I reflect on over two decades of bringing live entertainment to audiences around the globe. This collection encapsulates the spirit and energy of the various shows that have been integral to my journey as a performer. Each production holds a special place in my heart, representing the joy, laughter, and creativity that live performance brings. I am honored to share this compilation of posters from the diverse and enriching experiences that have shaped my career over the years. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey!

My Expertise​

Josiah & Steven Joyous Comedy Hour For Your Smile Faces​ NZICF2023

My first time performing stand up comedy in the Nz Comedy Fest. It was an honour and delight to share the stage with the amazing Josiah Day.

Lyons & Campbell Midwest Tour​

In 2018 I was very fortunate to tour a wonderful concept show with my friend, the incredible Jamie Campbell. It was a fun and bizarre mixture of sketch, improv and stand up comedy.


Shore Funny at The Vic

Upon returning to Aotearoa, I organized and hosted a vibrant comedy night in my hometown of Devonport, providing a wonderful opportunity to connect with local comedians and enhance my skills as an MC.

Antic’s Roadshow with Devon Myers

I created this semi-scripted musical parody of Antiques Roadshow with the wonderful Scott Allen Curry. Performed by an incredible line up of joyously outlandish characters, including the host Devon Myers (star of over 173 television shows)

Campfire Night​ Auckland Fringe 2018

Featured in the inaugural Auckland Fringe, this show seamlessly blended short-form improv comedy, creating a delightful experience reminiscent of a candy-filled sleeping bag. It was a joy to collaborate with the energetic Kiwi comedy sensation Mark Scott.

You Made It.

Want to know what I’m working on now​